Home ALTERNATIVES Top 8 Best LeetCode Alternatives and Similar Platforms in 2023

Top 8 Best LeetCode Alternatives and Similar Platforms in 2023

Top 8 Best LeetCode Alternatives and Similar Platforms in 2023

Developers, engineers, and data scientists are likely searching for a platform to help them advance their coding knowledge and abilities. LeetCode is a fantastic resource for skill development and even interview preparation. In fact, there are a number of platforms that aid in your coding improvement that are comparable to blind75 LeetCode. These include HackerRank, AlgoExpert, and CodeChef, among others.

However, Codewars is the best blind 75 LeetCode problems substitute and is suitable for both beginners and experts. Additionally, LeetCode works together with industry leaders in technology to teach the finest coding practises.

More about LeetCode & why explore alternatives?

More than 2,000 practise questions are provided with LeetCode. Additionally, LeetCode will let you practise for interviews. Additionally, businesses can use the site to find talent. On LeetCode, you can select from 14 well-known languages, including Ruby, Python, JavaScript, MySQL, and C++. You may write, debug, and test your projects using the playground functionality.

Despite LeetCode’s outstanding functionality, some restrictions will make you search for alternatives. First, the restricted number of SQL questions offered by LeetCode may prompt data analysts, senior data scientists, and BI developers to look for other suitable technologies.

LeetCode is difficult because there aren’t enough video tutorials and step-by-step guidelines available. This is especially true if you get certain answers wrong and don’t know how to fix them.

The programme is not very user-friendly for beginners and does not offer peer-to-peer mock interviews to assist you hone your coding abilities before the actual interview. But don’t worry, there are better options available, as was already indicated.

Top 8 Best LeetCode Alternatives and Similar Platforms in 2023

1. CheckiO

CheckIO is a free Leetcode substitute that is designed to help both novice and seasoned programmers advance their coding skills by solving a range of enjoyable challenges in TypeScript and Python. There are Spanish and English versions of CheckIO. Following the directions on the screen, users of the platform from all over the world can use it to increase their programming speed and skills. The platform was created by a team of developers.

This Leetcode substitute provides a thorough tool hackernoon linked list in binary tree (leetcode) that is utilised by educators all around the world to support their in-class instruction. There are both pleasurable and challenging things in it.

You are completely unrestricted in your ability to research, choose, and start fixing any problem. In addition, there is the chance to create and disseminate one’s own work without limitations. CheckIO is a well-known resource for learning how to code, and anyone with an internet connection can use it anywhere in the world.

2. CodeChef

In order to help programmers into the fields of cryptography, coding, and programming competitions, CodeChef was created. CodeChef’s crew works hard to bring out your inner geek by hosting a coding competition at the start of every month and a number of side programming challenges in the middle and conclusion of the season.

This Leetcode substitute seeks to offer training sessions and conversations on subjects like algorithms, binaries, and technical specifics like array size. In addition to holding programming competitions, CodeChef provides newcomers to computer programming with a variety of algorithm tutorials and discussion boards.

Start your search at one of its many questions, then enter your response in the language of your choice. The judges of its coding competition welcome submissions in more than 55 programming languages. Never before has practising for coding competitions been so enjoyable! Rise through the CodeChef levels by gaining points.

CodeChef has a straightforward approach: train, read, compete, and converse. As a result, you’ll work on a variety of programming problems in more than 40 languages in order to, first and foremost, brush up on your current programming skills.

Then, as you properly answer an increasing number of questions, you’ll gain points and advance in the rankings. The next step is the opportunity to compete against other pupils. Prizes vary based on the competition. The discussion board is another place where you can interact with other developers. Additionally, you’ll have the chance to speak with the CodeChef team.

3. AlgoExpert

AlgoExpert is one of the best resources available for programmers who are preparing for their programming interview, according to a website like LeetCode premium. You can work on more than 150 algorithm tasks on this video-based website, ranging in difficulty from Basic to Very Hard.

Graphs, arrays, searching, filtering, binary trees, and stacks are a few of the subjects you can learn about in AlgoExpert. You may also make advantage of its four-pane integrated workspace, where you can use the pad, read the prompt, get a solution, and also watch a video explanation in addition to using it to write things down.

You may now study up to nine programming languages with this Leetcode substitute, including Python, Java, Swift, C++, and many others. Anyone who completes all the tests will also receive a certificate from Algoexpert.

4. CodinGame

CodinGame enables you to participate in writing the code for video games that you can play right away online, as opposed to just solving coding challenges in an editor. Here is a list of the games that are currently offered, along with an illustration of one. The game has test cases, problem statements, and an editor that lets you write code in a few lines or 20+ lines of code.

This website is well-liked by programmers who enjoy taking on challenges and competing, despite the fact that it is unlike other competitive programming websites like the ones mentioned above.

This list was created using a variety of resources, such as my personal interactions with the websites, Google searches, Quora posts, and articles like this and this. In order to see which websites people there frequently recommended, I also visited various forums and subreddits, including r/learnprogramming.

Another free website like LeetCode is called CodinGame. It facilitates learning with more than 25 codes. Additionally, you have the option of learning on your own or participating in a multiplayer competition. Every coding subject would be presented as a game to make it simpler for you. As a result, you can have fun while also studying!

5. Edabit

For interactive coding tasks, Edabit is one of the most well-liked LeetCode alternatives. The platform was developed with the goal of helping users learn computer languages quickly and easily. You can take part in a range of exercises, tests, challenges, and activities. You may easily learn everything there is to know about almost every major language on this website.

The platform removes the tedious and uninstructional components while simulating real-world coding. Basic game components are incorporated to make studying entertaining and addictive. Nearly all of the most well-liked programming languages, including Swift, Javascript, Python, and others, may be learned with Edabit.

Everyone is aware that the fastest way to learn a spoken language is through conversation with native speakers. Similar to this, writing your own code is the fastest way to comprehend it. With the nearly limitless selection of bite-sized assignments offered by Edabit, you can swiftly advance your talents.

Do you ever feel stuck between studying too easy or too challenging of a subject? You’ll notice that everything is set up either for a complete beginner or an expert coder once you’ve mastered the fundamentals. Edabit provides a solution.

You start with the easy jobs and progress to the more challenging ones until you can complete them. Edabit removes the dull, non-educational elements while simulating real-world programming. We incorporate fundamental gaming concepts into teaching to make it more entertaining and addictive. Gain XP and unlock achievements to level up.

6. Exercism

Are you a novice programmer? It can be thrilling and challenging to begin programming, but it can also be unpleasant, stressful, and overwhelming. There are numerous small successes that come with exercise. The assignments are simple mini-quests that are condensed, clearly described, and challenging enough to highlight knowledge gaps in reasonable chunks.

Reviewers can learn from your responses what you haven’t yet found out. The feedback you receive will point you in the right direction for further research and make developing code much simpler for you.

Exercise offers approximately 4000 tasks in up to 52 popular programming languages as an alternative to the LeetCode learning platform. It stands out from other programming websites of a similar nature since it places a strong emphasis on mentor-based learning as well as solitary practise. The fact that this software has a vibrant developer community that helps new users everywhere is its best feature.

You must first decide whatever language you want to learn, after which you must complete a computer assignment, submit your code, and have your mentor assess it. It has several levels, and as you advance, you get unrestricted access to the ideas and activities on the following level. You can also submit your own code to the engineers at Exercism for immediate feedback.

7. HackerRank

a LeetCode-related online judging platform that offers users free access to programming questions of varying difficulty (ranked Easy, Mid, and Difficult). Coding challenges are also available on Hacker Rank for people interested in competitive programming.

HackerRank, one of the most well-liked LeetCode substitutes, has notable differences. In this game-based learning environment, you’ll practise answering consumer practise questions. Additionally, you can take part in HackerRank events that pit you against those individuals.

HackerRank’s challenges include those in algorithms, math, SQL, modular programming, artificial intelligence, and other fields. You can instantly complete each challenge.

Every assignment contains a discussion and scoreboard, and the majority of tasks also have an editorial outlining the problem and suggesting approaches for solving it. You cannot now view other people’s responses on HackerRank outside of the opinion column. By winning HackerRank business coding challenges, users may also submit a resume and apply for jobs.

8. Coderbyte

A virtualized pre-employment assessment tool called Coderbyte was created to help businesses with coding assessments for technical and computing positions. As a one-stop shop for code evaluation solutions, this Leetcode substitute provides a total package including nearly all necessary features and services.

The solution’s activity dashboard allows administrators to manage system settings, keep track of logs, and verify the status of completion from a single interface. The programme enables businesses to establish different candidate qualification standards, spot plagiarism, and generate performance reports for a number of applications. Additionally, it features an integrated task library that enables you to create customised exams fast and easily.

It provides tools for building thorough user profiles, saving time and effort. Additionally, a thorough selection of recruiting tools is accessible, saving time and effort. Among Coderbyte’s key features are skill assessments, candidate evaluations, online examinations, personalised tests, and much more.

A website called Coderbyte was created to assist anyone who wants to become a better programmer. You can practise using your algorithmic thinking process to any problem you choose at any moment because fresh problems are presented every day.

You can strengthen your ability to resolve typical logical leetcode promo code, mathematical, and algorithmic problems with the aid of Coderbyte. hone your interviewing and coding skills.

  • Uninterrupted Coding Environment:

The platform includes a full-screen editor to assist you in solving our problems and practicing. Solve problems using one of our 10+ coding and simply verify your results on our platform.

  • Solution Manuals:

You’ll get exposure across over 1 million answers from other programmers if you sign up for a Coderbyte membership. Learn how other individuals address problems similar to yours to improve your abilities.

  • Reports on Progress:

With each task you accomplish, you can see how far you’ve progressed. As you complete additional tasks, you’ll earn points and trophies, and you’ll begin to rank against all other programmers.

Final Word:

Codewars is a great tool for practising and honing your skills. Furthermore, because the workouts range in difficulty, you will enjoy using it whether you are a novice or an expert. Because it allows you and other users to create puzzles known as kata, Codewars is a great community platform. You can learn from others thanks to the community element. Additionally, the platform works with other technology organisations to train software engineers.

You will receive top-notch training using Codewars to advance your abilities and get you ready for the workforce. Additionally, businesses can use the Codewars job posting platform to find talent.


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