Home NEWS YouTube Is Testing Short-Form Shopping and Affiliate Features

YouTube Is Testing Short-Form Shopping and Affiliate Features

YouTube Is Testing Short-Form Shopping and Affiliate Features

YouTube Shorts is developing a new feature dubbed In-App Shopping, according to a Financial Times story. YouTube viewers, like TikTok and Instagram users, may purchase things while scrolling through their channels.

This new function may be available next year in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and India. It is expected that the functionality will be expanded to more nations in the near future. When the project is launched, YouTube creators will receive up to 45% of Ad Revenue. It is an additional option to make money on YouTube.

YouTube launched a shoppable ads feature in 2020, followed by a live-stream shopping function in 2021. Finally, in 2022, the video-sharing site will become an e-commerce business.

Along with the new purchase option, YouTube plans to create an affiliate marketing plan that will pay a percentage of sales to a select set of video producers who promote certain items.

YouTube Is Testing Short-Form Shopping and Affiliate Features

Michael Martin, YouTube’s Shopping General Manager, says,

“It’s very much an endorsement model versus a paid-placement model or a more traditional advertising model.”

In addition, he told the Financial Times,

“Our goal is to focus on the best monetization opportunities for YouTube Creators available in the market.”

The YouTube Affiliate Marketing plan is currently under testing, and this function will be available to many content providers globally in early 2023.

Similarly, TikTok launched in-app shopping in the United States last week. This ability was previously accessible in the United Kingdom and Indonesia. This feature allows users to purchase things through ad links without leaving the app.

Unfortunately, Facebook’s live shopping service will be discontinued at the end of this year. Users may, however, use the Facebook Live option, but e-commerce companies are unable to build a product list or tag goods. As a result, YouTube Shorts and TikTok are in direct rivalry.


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